How flowers are the best way to nurture & bond
It seems almost impossible for something as fleeting as fresh flowers to have such a monumental and life long effect on us. Yet, when we can recall a time we received flowers, the emotional connection to that moment, and person, is relived all over again. Through the beauty of flowers, along with the heartfelt sentiment behind the gesture, an emotional response is triggered. In this moment of connection we are flooded with the feel good chemical Oxytocin.
Loretta G. Breuning Ph.D. in her article for Psychology Today entitled 'Why Flowers Make Us Happy' explains so very eloquently -
"Oxytocin is often called the “bonding hormone” It creates the nice feeling of social trust, whether romantic love, maternal attachment, or group solidarity. We all know how hard this feeling is to find, and how easily it can be lost. That’s why we’re so eager for ways to stimulate it. Flowers help! Flowers stimulate social trust in many ways. They communicate the intention to invest effort in a relationship. And they convey a respect for fragility. We feel the impermanence of flowers, and it reminds us that care is necessary to sustain life. Relationships can be as fragile as flowers and the care we give to them helps us remember the care that our relationships need."
Relationships in today's fast paced world are deepened through connection. This can of course be done in so many different ways. A text or phone call is great, it's nice to know that we are thought of. Regularity of contact builds and maintains relationships that are important to us. Nurturing a relationship, be it personal or professional, is most memorably done through the beauty and language of flowers. Bright and colourful blooms are perfect for a celebratory occasion - who doesn't smile when bright colours abound? Colour has a huge effect on our mood. Then of course there are the flowers that convey special messages - think red roses for a very romantic gesture.
Whatever the occasion, or whether there's no occasion at all (that is the very best time to give flowers - the 'surprise & delight' factor!), the facts are clear. Your relationships are strengthened, deepened and nurtured when flowers are involved. I'd encourage you, the next time you're seeing a friend, take them a small posy of flowers and watch as their face lights up - it's priceless!